Thursday, March 28, 2013


It’s calving season at Blue Hill Farm. We’ve had 6 calves so far this month and we’re expecting 3 more before the end of it.

While the calves are almost too adorable, our awe and amazement are toned down by the significant increase in daily workload. We are now milking twice a day rather than once. We’re at the barn at 5 am (this means setting the alarm for 3:45 am!) and 3:30 pm. In addition to milking everyone we are also feeding rambunctious and strong little calves who can nearly knock me over.

And with all this extra life and work comes lots more milk! So we are starting to experiment a little more in the kitchen. Today we made mozzarella cheese and we are also trying out sour cream. The mozzarella is specifically meant to top Derek’s famous homemade pizza. You should make a trip to the Berkshires to try it!

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